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15 Shocking Facts About Electric Fireplace With Mantel The Words You&#…

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작성자 Stanton 작성일24-02-22 09:40 조회10회 댓글0건


Electric Fireplace With Mantel

touchstone-80015-the-sideline-electric-fAdd an Hanging electric fireplace fireplace and mantel in your home to create a cozy atmosphere. This type of fireplace will fit in any living room.

Electric fireplaces with mantels are offered in various materials and styles. They can be customized to match your decor. There are different sizes, and corner options if you're in small space.


Electric fireplaces with mantels are an excellent option for adding warmth and ambiance to your home, without the hassle and expense of a traditional gas or wood fireplace. These fireplaces are stylish and functional and can be used throughout the year.

Contrary to traditional wood burning fireplaces, which require constant fuel, an electric fireplace can be connected into the power outlet of your choice and installed in a matter of minutes. Depending on the model you choose, it may include an adjustable remote control that can be used to alter settings and features such as the level of heat as well as flame effects and crackling logs. A lot of these fireplaces can be controlled using your smartphone.

The top electric fireplaces are available in a variety of designs to fit your style. You can pick from wall-mounted fireplaces that are easy to install as well as freestanding models that sit on mantels. The best electric mantels with mantels can be fitted with a flat-screen television and feature built-in shelves to store books, decor or other objects d’art. Some models are equipped with a timer to conserve power.

To ensure that your new fireplace is the ideal match for your home, make sure you check the installation requirements and Hanging electric Fireplace read the reviews of previous buyers. Think about how often you'll use the fireplace, and what size of room it will be placed in. Compare prices and features to find the right one for your requirements.

For a modern take on an old-fashioned classic, check out this wall-mounted narrow electric fireplace fireplace made by Stoll. Its sleek design and is suitable for rooms of up to 400 square feet. It comes with a remote control that lets you adjust the settings for the flame and hanging electric fireplace heater settings. It is also CSA certified. The only drawback is that it doesn't have an overheat or tip-over shutoff protection.

This freestanding electric fireplace from MagikFlame comes with a white finish that is compatible with the majority of homes. It's also easy to clean and includes a wireless remote control. The only issue with this product is that it doesn't include a thermostat or log.

Heat Output

A fireplace can bring warmth and ambiance to any room. Electric fireplaces with mantels are an elegant addition to any home. They can be used as a focal point in your living room or as a focal point in your dining area. The advanced realistic flame technology provides a peaceful and calming atmosphere, while the powerful heater warms up your space quickly.

Most electric fireplaces are capable to heat rooms that are up to 1,000 square feet. But, you should verify the BTU (British Thermal Unit) output before purchasing to ensure that it is powerful enough to suit your space. It is recommended to select the model with more BTU output if the space is greater than 1,000 square feet.

Based on your personal preferences, you'll also need to decide if you want flat-wall or a fully-mantel model. The latter model is more traditional in appearance that resembles an old-fashioned wood-burning fireplace. It's a bit more difficult to set up but is worth it if you want a more authentic fireplace.

Some models sport a sleek, modern design with stainless steel accents. Certain designs have an old-fashioned appearance with wood-carved details. You can pick from a variety of mantel designs ranging from classic to modern. There are also options that resemble the look of brick or stone hearths.

The remote control that comes with this fireplace is one of its best features. This lets you adjust the temperature and the level of flames and embers. Additionally, the flames can be set to flicker or glow with different colors, allowing you to modify your fireplace to suit your mood.

This fireplace also comes with a built in shelf that can be used to store books and other decorative objects. It also has an safety strap and lock to prevent pets or children from gaining access to the controls. It is also CSA certified and comes with overheat protection, which gives you added security.

Unlike other electric fireplaces, this one comes with an open mantel and firebox. It includes a log set, hardware and a mantel. You can adjust the flame intensity and brightness using the remote that is included. It also has a timer feature to automatically shut off after a specific period of time.


Electric fireplaces with mantels create a cozy atmosphere without the mess or dangers that are associated from burning real wood. Electric fireplaces come with thermostats and timers built-in, so you can regulate the amount of heat you get at the set time. A lot of models come with an adjustable remote control that can be used to adjust the logs and flames. Some models come with child-locks and safety belt to prevent children from being too close to.

When shopping for an electric fireplace, you will need to decide if you would prefer a freestanding or mounted one. This choice will be determined by the size of the room as well as your personal preferences. Some models are compact and look more like stylish space heating units. Others look more like traditional fireplaces with a mantel.

Take into consideration the installation requirements prior to choosing a mounted model. Certain models require a professional installation and may require a special electrical outlet, so make certain to read the instructions thoroughly before beginning. Be sure to have enough space on the wall to accommodate the fireplace and that it will not hinder air vents.

You should also examine the output of heat from the fireplace and mantel you're contemplating. Some models only generate a warm glow, while others release a substantial amount of heat that could help warm up to 400 square feet. Some models have a heat-regulating feature that stops the fireplace when it is overheated, thereby providing an additional layer of security.

Find out the cost of fireplaces with mantels you are interested in buying. Take a look at the different options and read customer reviews to determine which is the most suitable to your needs. If you take the time to do some research, you can locate an affordable electric fireplace with a mantel that can add the warmth and elegance to your home.


Electric fireplaces require much less maintenance than wood-burning ones. Electric fireplaces don't need huge amounts of wood to get heated, and they do not emit harmful byproducts such as carbon monoxide or smog.

Instead, electric fireplaces rely on an energy source to create flames and a fan that helps blow them out. They don't even require vents, which makes them much safer than traditional wood-burning fireplaces.

Electric models aren't just cheaper and simpler to install however they also eliminate the mess and fire hazards that are associated with wood-burning units. Electric units are also healthier for the environment as they do not release any harmful byproducts. They are powered by renewable energy sources like wind and solar.

Electric fireplaces don't need frequent cleaning. However you can take some steps to ensure they are in good working order. Before you begin any work, unplug the appliance and allow it to cool. After that, examine the remote control to make sure it's functioning properly and replace the batteries if necessary. Also, if your flames seem dim or don't glow at all, it might be time to replace the bulbs.

Finally, look around the inside of your fireplace for signs of dust accumulation. If you spot any issues it could be a good idea to have a professional perform a full inspection of the unit.

We don't get many requests for service from electric fireplaces however, when they do come in it's because the client is having problems with their fire display. This is often due to burned out bulbs, but it could also include problems with the ember bed or smoke effect.

36-inch-wall-mounted-electric-fireplace-Fortunately, these issues are simple to identify and repair. Most of the time the issue can be resolved by replacing a burned-out bulb. We suggest referring to the user's manual for specific instructions on how to do this. Examine the heating element for dust on a regular basis. It is usually located at the rear of the unit. It can be removed by removing a rear panel.


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